Prof. (Dr.) Dipin Mathur
Faculty of Management (FOM) is a premier management institute of India with a legacy of over two decades. FOM has been shaping tomorrow’s leaders for business and society to make an impact in the communities and in the global economy. We emphasize on rigorous, innovative and experiential learning that instils competitive advantage in our students to thrive in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. Our goal is to contribute to the sustainable and peaceful development of human society through our research and educational activities, together with the faculty and students of the institute.
Welcome to our management institute where excellence meets our ambitions and dreams become reality. At FOM we strive to create environment that nurtures critical thinking, fosters innovations and hones leadership skills with the help and support of motivated team of learned academicians, industry stalwarts and a dedicated staff that will guide and inspire you to reach new heights.
An industry focused curriculum, student centred teaching, outcome based learning goals, continuous performance evaluation of the students, continuously evolving faculty pool with expertise in research and teaching, a strong alumni base, and ever-supportive recruiters are among the contributing factors. The curriculum is regularly updated based on feedback from all the stakeholders, with the academic delivery being benchmarked against the best academic standards and practices. The pedagogy includes an assortment of lectures, cases, leadership development workshops, soft skills labs, projects, internships, games, and simulations. The Summer Internship Program (SIP) gives students the opportunity to experience the subtleties of a real-time corporate environment. Case-based discussions nurture their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
We believe in providing you a holistic education, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience which will prepare the learners not only to tackle with the challenges of dynamic business world but also flourish academically and personally. The institute also emphasizes the value of collaboration diversity so that the students get an opportunity to engage with a diverse student community. This vibrant and inclusive environment will enable the students to expand the vistas of learning, broaden perspectives and better their interpersonal skills.
The state of the art facilities in our well equipped campus creates an ideal learning environment for learning & development. We have indulged meticulously in planning & designing our cutting edge smart lecture theatre, advanced libraries and technology labs which will enable you to thrive in your academic pursuits. An equal recognition is given to the importance of extracurricular activities and so we have several clubs, events and associations which will help you build long lasting bonds, network and friendships beyond class rooms. If you are seeking a management institution that challenges you, will provide a platform for self development, hone your skills to excel in the career paths you chose. Then I invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us. Together, let us redefine and shape the leader of tomorrow.